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More Women in Boardrooms Mean Better Climate Policy

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Companies with higher levels of gender diversity in their boardrooms perform better in developing policies and frameworks to manage the risks of climate change.

Two women walking through the city

According to the study published by the BloombergNEF and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, companies, including power utilities and oil producers, in which 30 % or more of the directorship is held by women, generally perform better in terms of environmental disclosures.

These companies are more likely to define clear strategies for climate policy and demonstrate greater transparency in the publication of relevant data, including on emissions.

With 11,700 global companies analysed, the study revealed that emissions growth was 0.6% for companies with one-third female directors, compared to 3.5% for companies without women on board.

Read the full article here.

Source: Lee, H. “More Women in Boardrooms Mean Better Climate Policy”, Bloomberg, 1 December 2020

Image Source: Photographer Hollie Adams/Bloomberg