Global consulting and research firm Abt Associates uses data and bold thinking to improve the quality of people’s lives. Their recent global certification at EDGE Move level recognises Abt’s commitment to improving workplace equality and the lives of its employees.

Abt Associates started its journey towards workplace equality with certification at the EDGE Assess level in 2019. Now, only two years later, the company has been awarded global certification at the EDGE Move level.
This progression in certification recognises the company’s swift progress in expanding flexible work and creating organizational culture policies and initiatives that foster greater gender equality. Abt is the fifth US company to have achieved the EDGE Move status.
“Certification at the Move level is a huge achievement and means we have made considerable strides in the last two years toward gender equality,” said Abt President and Chief Executive Officer Kathleen Flanagan. “But we won’t stop here. We will continue working toward gender equality within our organization and projects and carry this same momentum into our racial equity work and beyond.”
Read more here.