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Gender Equality in the Workplace: Going Beyond Women on the Board

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EDGE Certified Foundation

The S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2021 has been released and as part of it, S&P Global’s ESG experts have published a number of interesting articles. It includes the article “Gender Equality in the Workplace: going beyond women on the board” which presents insightful data from gender equality and diversity questions in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

Bird's-eye view of the farmland and the inscription.

The article offers a range of topics around gender equality and diversity, such as the growing interest in equality in finance initiatives, women on boards and the related legal frameworks, or the career pipeline, including industry and regional perspectives. Also, it provides specific insights into how the pandemic has impacted equality and diversity in the workplace.

The article illustrates that while it is important to increase the number of women on boards, further steps and measures are needed to improve the overall representation of women across different levels of responsibility, especially in leadership positions. Also, it underlines the importance and relevance of collecting data on other dimensions of diversity such as race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation to address intersecting inequalities in the workplace.

We are pleased to be mentioned for our rigorous methodological approach to defining standards for measuring and certifying equality in the workplace

Read the full article here.

Source: Froehlicher, M.; Knuckle Griek, L.; Nematzadeh, A.; Hall, L.; Stovall, N.: S&P Global, Sustainability Yearbook 2021, “Gender equality in the workplace: going beyond women on the board“, February, 5 2021.

Image source: S&P Global, Sustainability Yearbook 2021