Archives: News
Equileap Publishes 2023 Gender Equality Global Report
Equileap has published its 2023 Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking. Equileap researches and ranks 4,000 public companies around the world using a unique and comprehensive Gender Equality Scorecard™ with 19 criteria, including the gender balance of the workforce, senior management and board of directors, as well as the pay gap, parental leave, and sexual harassment.…
LUIGI LAVAZZA SPA attains EDGE Assess Certification
LUIGI LAVAZZA SPA is certified at the EDGE Assess level, which recognizes its commitment towards workplace gender equity. EDGE Assess Certification signals that action is being taken in terms of representation, effectiveness of policies and practices, and cultural inclusivity. The implementation of the approved Action Plan—developed as part of the certification process—will support the organization…
Proposed Changes to Switzerland’s Parental Leave System
The Federal Commission for Family Affairs in Switzerland has proposed changes to the Swiss parental leave system which would bring organizations based in Switzerland in line with the EDGE Requirements. The Federal Commission for Family Affairs in Switzerland has proposed an increase in parental leave from the current 16 weeks to a total of 38…
TKG TAEKWANG VINA JOINT STOCK COMPANY has been certified at the EDGE Move level, recognizing its strong commitment towards workplace gender equity. EDGE Move is the second of three EDGE Certification levels and showcases TKG TAEKWANG VINA JOINT STOCK COMPANY’s commitment to workplace gender equity while giving the organization further support as it progresses its…