Archives: News

  • The Equity-Based Gender Pay Gap

    The Equity-Based Gender Pay Gap

    “It’s not just base pay that women earn less of compared to men in the workplace. Equity-based awards, like stock option grants, are offered more often to men, new research finds.” A new research shows that the candidates with gender-typical female names were given fewer equity-based awards based on retention. The data from the experiment…

  • EDGE Extends Its Impact Through the Introduction of the New Innovative Solution, EDGEplus

    EDGE Extends Its Impact Through the Introduction of the New Innovative Solution, EDGEplus

    Learn about EDGEplus a new innovative solution from EDGE that addresses the intersectionality of gender and other aspects of diversity. EDGE is the leading global assessment methodology and business certification standard for gender equality. Our new product, EDGEplus, extends the impact of EDGE and will enable organizations to drive real progress towards building a more…

  • FTSE350 Companies Show Lack of Women Holding P&L Positions on Executive Committees

    FTSE350 Companies Show Lack of Women Holding P&L Positions on Executive Committees

    The Women Count 2020 Report tracks and reports numbers of women on executive committees and main boards of FTSE 350 companies. In this latest version of the annual report, the authors identified continued and alarming gaps in terms of gender balance, notably highlighting the numbers of women holding P&L positions on executive committees. “The type…