EDGE and Zurich Spain are proud to announce the company has achieved EDGE Lead, the third and highest level of certification for workplace gender equity.
“The diligent implementation of the EDGE action plan over the last two years has propelled Zurich Spain to the highest EDGE Certification level, EDGE Lead. The EDGE Lead Certification recognizes organizations that demonstrate gender balance across their pipeline, pay equity, effective policies and practices to ensure equitable career flows for men and women, and inclusive culture. This is a remarkable achievement and we can only hope that many more organizations will follow in their footsteps so that we can see the workplace gender gap closed in our lifetimes,” says Aniela Unguresan, Founder of EDGE Certified Foundation.
“Their leadership team is consolidated in its focus on fostering a gender-equal workplace. They have strengthened the effectiveness of policies and practices in recruitment and promotion, leadership development training and mentoring, flexible working and organizational culture. As a result, the employee survey showed an overall improvement in employee experience. We congratulate Zurich Spain on achieving this milestone!”.
Reflecting on the organization’s certification, Vicente Cancio, CEO Zurich Spain, said: “We are proud to become one of the only three companies in the world that have reached the highest level of EDGE certification, as well as being the first and only company in Spain to have this certification since 2015.”
In celebrating the achievement, he also stressed the importance of maintaining an ongoing focus on workplace equity. “We are not satisfied and we continue to work on new initiatives to deepen our firm commitment to gender equity and equality, extending it to all areas and aspects of our work,” Mr Cancio added.