Getting EDGE Certified
Measuring where your organization is on its workplace diversity, fairness, and inclusion journey using EDGE Empower® is the first step to becoming EDGE Certified. Once the assessment is verified by one of our third-party auditors, and your level of EDGE Certification is confirmed, your organization will have the EDGE Certified Seal to show your commitment to workplace equity and inclusion.

Use EDGE Empower® to measure where you stand on your workplace diversity, fairness, and inclusion journey, benchmark your progress against the EDGE Standards and against your peers, define your action plan for moving forward, and implement lasting solutions that strengthen diversity, fairness, inclusion, and business success in your organization.

Get Verified
Have your outputs and actions from phase 1 independently verified by an EDGE-approved third-party auditor and attain one of the three levels of EDGE Certification – Assess, Move, or Lead.
Use your EDGE Certified Seal to display and visibly demonstrate your workplace diversity, fairness, and inclusion achievements and to communicate your commitment to relevant internal and external stakeholders.